Anyway, sorry... I finished another book for the Four-Legged Friends Challenge and the Newbery Award Challenge last night when I read Sounder by William H. Armstrong. It's been years since I first read it and I still don't know what to think about it! I've got a few things ahead of it, but I'll write up a post soon.
As you may have noticed, I've only been watching and posting animated Disney films and that's because I wanted to watch the live-action in chronological order as well but not only are there almost a billion of them, but a lot are difficult to find. I'll continue to post about the animated works in the correct order but don't be surprised if the next thing I post over there is something about Pollyanna. Or maybe I'll start posting anything that's not animated over on the Movieholic blog? Don't know but you can better believe some posts on Christmas specials are coming up soon!
I just had to share what I'm using as a background for my computer this year: