Thursday, August 5, 2010

BTT- First Book

What is the first book you remember reading? What about the first that made you really love reading?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

I'm honestly not sure what the first book I ever read was. I've been reading since I was 3 years old and I don't remember much before I was four or five. I didn't grow up with many current books, mostly collections of stories that my grandma had picked up here and there so it was probably one of those. I do remember really loving to read and be read to out of a book that had Disney stories in it from Bambi, Alice in Wonderland, and Peter Pan though.


  1. Wow, you were an early reader! I don't remember what the first book I read was either.

  2. My parents bought a set of encyclopedias, I wasn't very old... maybe third grade, and as a freebie, the Colliers Encyclopedia company threw in a complete set of children's anthologies, 10 encyclopedia style anthologies with multiple stories in each book from fairy tales to real life stories. I read that freebie set of books from cover to cover and then started all over again. I have yet to be able to coral my need to read.

    Dottie :)

  3. I can't come close to remembering the first book I read, either.

  4. I dont remember the first book I read either. But my love of reading really started when I was a tween and started to read YA mysteries and romances.
    I gave you an award :)

  5. I remember vividly sitting by the fireplace reading the 10 shilling Robin Hood book I had just bought in town. I was so excited. I still treasure that book to this day.

  6. I remember the first book I read it was Cujo by Stephen King and I was 15 years old. It was the first book I read because I wanted to and not because I had to for school so it's the one that counts in my mind as the first book. After that I was in the school library all the time.

  7. I can't quite remember too but I think it's the Peter and Jane series...

  8. I don't really remember but I think it may have been Jack & Jill it was called. The books I truly remember reading were when I was a bit older like Nancy Drew,etc.

  9. I cannot remember the name of the first book that I actually remember reading, which is a shame. I do remember being amazed that I LIKED it. It was then that I realized that reading could be FUN. The book was one my teacher gave me, wish I had it.


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