Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cover Contemplation- Alas Babylon

It’s another cover contemplation! Today is Pat Frank’s post-apocalyptic novel Alas, Babylon. These first three covers all feature the same picture of a group of people out of focus all being led by one man. I’m guessing the man is supposed to be Randy Bragg, the main character in the novel, the last cover is the copy I own of this book.

I've been told that this blue and purplish-pink cover is the bookjackets that were on the first editions of this book. Not really sure what all the shapes are supposed to mean; if anything, but I do like the font on this one. The yellow cover of the man looking into the explosion was a 1993 paperback release.

The really interesting Pan Giant cover with the mushroom cloud rising over the city and has broken telephone poles is an Australian cover of the paperback. The red cover with the black broken telephone poles is a hardcover found in the UK.

These last two are the only foreign language editions I could find. The first is the Italian cover which translates to Goodbye Babylon and is the only cover that actually looks like the time period it's set in with the cars from the 1950s gracing the cover. You can also tell that this is set in a sunny place (in this case Florida) with all the palm trees too. I'm really not impressed with the French edition (which translates to This World Was Not Saved) even if I do like the title, since it's a bit misleading. It does show a family but the main character has no children. The children belong to his brother's wife who is in the SAC and when he thinks their might be war headed their way, sends his family down to his brother and childhood home. Randy does take care of them but he also takes on several others, mostly his neighbors as family too.

That's all I could find out there for this book. If there are any others that you know about, please send them to me!


  1. I reviewed Alas, Babylon in 2007 (loved it!) and my book had a different cover. You can see it and snatch the image, here:

  2. Those are interesting. I could tell the 1993 cover was a more modern version.

  3. I like the edgy vintage style one (#5)


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