Jen’s blog has been on my subscribe feed since I first started blogging. I’m just fond of her blogs, in general. Her writing is cozy and safe… and just fun to visit. She’s so creative and always has changes going on in her blogs.
Isn't she the sweetest? I'm supposed to write five things I'm addicted to and then pass this on to five other blogs so here goes!
- Reading of course! I always try to keep a book I want to read handy- which is way too easy lol.
- Blogging- I enjoy finding little gems (movies and books) and finding out more about them too.
- Music- Here's a little tidbit for you, did you know that my blog started out as The Movieholic, Bibliophile, and Music Junkie? I had a hard time writing up posts about albums I was listening to and I dropped it. Hmmm... maybe that should be a weekly feature over here on this blog?
- My Family- I can't get along without my husband and cat. My mom lives in another state from me so I don't get to see her and the rest of the family very often but if I don't call at least two or more times a week, I get so homesick its not even funny.
- My TV Shows- Oh how I love thee! I pine over them when they're cancelled and can hardly wait for them to come back on when they take a break between seasons. My current list of shows: Burn Notice, CSI: Miami, Cold Case, Criminal Minds, Ghost Whisperer, Hell's Kitchen, NCIS, Project Runway, Shear Genius, Sons of Anarchy, Top Chef, True Blood
Shows I used to watch (and still like!) but not so much now: Dexter, Grey's Anatomy, House, the Law and Orders, Nip/Tuck, Private Practice, The Unit
My favorite cancelled shows: Buffy, Angel, Veronica Mars, Moonlight, Blood Ties
I'd like to give this award to the bloggers I've known the longest:
Musings of a Bookish Kitty (Wendy), the bookworm (Naida), J. Kaye's Book Blog (J. Kaye), Hello, My Name Is Alice (Alice Teh), Here, There, and Everywhere 2nd edition (DesLily)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------And then there would be LadyTink, who single handedly is trying to get young people to realize that the old movies are worth watching! I love to hear her joy when she writes about discovering an old movie or talks about the actors that mainly only the elderly know. It does my heart good to know the old movies are not forgotten.